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Shriners Scoot Down Parade Routes

A 4th of July parade isn't complete without the Shriners riding their scooters in tight formation. A dozen to two dozen red fez wearing men cruise down the streets of America's hometowns every holiday bringing joy to awe-struck children and adults in support of the Shriners Hospitals. Perhaps the most famous scooter riders in the world, the Shriners are a perennial parade favorite.

Smiling on their identical bikes, the Shriners motor down the street in neat rows, suddenly breaking formation to follow the leader in crazy figure 8s. Forming up again on opposite sides of the street, they zip and zoom between each other's bikes in what looks for all the world like a frenetic game of chicken but is actually a well-rehearsed, precisely timed maneuver. It all falls in the "don't try this at home" category, but sure is fun to watch.

Scootering is as much fun as the Shriners make it look. You may have to practice your figure 8s in an empty parking lot instead of a parade route, but the fun and ease of riding a scooter will have you wearing a smile as big as any Shriner. Visit us at Scootertronics to view our complete line of scooters and mopeds. We can find the perfect scooter for you.


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